Monday, November 30, 2020

 Chino, California: Week 54

Well, I finally found an Armenian here in Chino! She was working at a thrift shop we went to. I could tell she was Armenian because of a very Armenian-looking bracelet she was wearing. I told her I was learning the language, and nothing really came of our conversation but it was cool anyway. 

We also went over to help a family set up their Christmas tree (pic attached). I really like this Holiday time of year. We've gotten to go over to a couple people's homes and help them unpack Christmas decorations and whatnot, which is fun.

In terms of people we're teaching, things are going well. We had 4 investigators tune in to sacrament meeting on Sunday, which is the most I've ever had at a time! They said they enjoyed it. There's hardly anybody walking around outside, so we aren't really finding new people to teach, but overall we are staying busy, which is nice. 

This week we will have our zone conference, and on Friday we'll hear a devotional from Elder Renlund. Exciting stuff!

Have a good one.
Elder Clayton
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Pictures from a little hike we did this morning: 

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