Monday, December 7, 2020

 Chino, California: Week 55

This week I had one of the most amazing lessons I've ever been a part of. We've started teaching a 9 year old kid, the son of a part member family who never got baptized when he was 8. So it was the mom and 4 little kids, and lessons with kids are so fun! We went through the whole restoration lesson, and it was so full of the spirit. When we gave the kid a Book of Mormon, the mom started crying. Then the kids insisted that we sing a closing song, so we turned on "I will be what I believe" and they all sang and it was really cute.

Also, near a bike shop that my companion and I went to, there is a little Argentine empanada shop. Elder Bastian was reassigned from Argentina, so we had to go in and check it out. The empanadas were pretty expensive, but really good.

Then on Friday we had a devotional that was supposed to be with Elder Renlund.  But he wasn't able to do it because he wasn't feeling well, and as you may have seen in church news, he got covid. So instead, we got to hear from Elder Ballard. It was very last-minute, and he was only supposed to speak for 15 minutes but he ended up going for about 45 minutes talking about Joseph Smith's life story, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how we as missionaries can better help people to have spiritual experiences. 

The one not so cool part from this week is that LA county has again issued a stay at home order, and our mission president said we can't approach people outside or go into members' and friends' homes anymore. So I guess it's back to a lot of Facebook finding and zoom lessons and phone calls. I think most things will be able to keep moving forward though, it'll work out. 

Have a great week, be safe, and know that God loves you!
Elder Clayton
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