Monday, November 2, 2020

 Glendale, California: Week 50

Happy (late) Halloween! Hope everyone had a good one. We didn't do much special, we just dressed up as missionaries. Plus I think hardly anyone did trick-or-treating this time around. But we did go over to an English speaking member's house for dinner, there were 8 missionaries there. He made a lasagna, garlic bread, and cheesecake so that was awesome. He's a great guy, sometimes says some crazy stuff though. He went on a rant about how Obama won't win the election. Yes, Obama, he got some names mixed up. So that was funny. 

We went on another hike today. It started out fun but it was rough at the end. We started hiking at 5am, and 4 of us broke off and kept going to the top, and ended up getting back at noon. So that was really long, plus we didn't bring much water at all. We were extremely dehydrated by the end. Lesson learned, I will always bring lots of water in the future.

In other hiking news, the young Armenians hike got cancelled due to fire this week, but we went on the other one with lots of people. We didn't find anyone new, but we met up with Emin again, the guy we've been meeting with recently. He is doing great, and he loves meeting with us which is a huge blessing.

We also had a good turnout for Armenian church group this week. The speaker talked about forgiveness, and gave the example of how we should forgive those in Turkey and Azerbaijan who are fighting against Armenians right now. Some people didn't take that too well, but for the most part it was well accepted and there was a lot of participation, and the spirit was felt. I have a lot of respect for the Armenian members. I know I've already talked about this, but it's true. They are such a small group, and these wars and conflicts in their home country is hard for them, but they are so strong considering all the sacrifices they make. 

Have a great week!
Elder Clayton
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