Thursday, November 26, 2020

 Chino, California: Week 53

Happy Thanksgiving!! President Hall changed P Day to today, that's why I didn't email on Monday.

I love the message of peace President Nelson gave on Friday, and the invitation he gave to flood the world with gratitude. It's been really cool to see all the things people are thankful for on Facebook. If you haven't watched the video, you definitely should! 

On Friday I also hit my 1 year mark, which is pretty crazy! We went out and got chili burgers and it was a good day!
Then today we got together as a zone and helped some people put down sod in their yard. They found us through a Facebook ad that the zone leaders put out, and said they were expecting like 4 people to show up, so when the 20 or so of us pulled up, they were really shocked and thankful! It was cool. And the bishop invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner, which was great.

I am thankful for each of you. Have a great week!
Elder Clayton
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