Monday, May 31, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 80

So, we were over at a family's house for dinner, and got to talking about how our mission has gone so far, and how I was assigned Armenian speaking. Then one of the people there said "Oh, my friend's son just opened his mission call going to Arcadia speaking Armenian!" So he called his friend and I got to speak to their family and answer some questions that they have about the mission. It was really cool! He will be coming in November, so he'll probably get here right when I leave. Also his dad speaks Western Armenian, so he's already familiar with some Armenian culture, although I don't think he speaks any Armenian himself (yet).

Also, there were some changes in ward callings since the Elders Quorum President and his family just moved to Utah. The ward mission leader became the new elders quorum president, and our new ward mission leader is Bro Peck, the one whose son just got called to Australia! 

Finally, we had our zone conference meeting this week, which is always fun. We had lots of cool trainings about member missionary work, time management/planning, and how to use Facebook more effectively. So overall, things are going pretty well.

Have a good week,
Elder Clayton
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