Chino, California: Week 77
On Wednesday Elder Holland came and spoke to us and one other mission, and it was amazing! He talked a lot about becoming truly converted to Jesus Christ, and how our mission sets us up for our future lives, our families, future church callings, etc. It was really cool, he is such a powerful speaker. He teaches and testifies with such passion. He talked about Preach My Gospel and the process for how it was created, and how missionary work is constantly changing, and yet it's always the same gospel, the same message of Jesus Christ and love.
Something that's interesting is that even after all this time of being a missionary, I'm still so far from perfect when it comes to missionary work. I still feel totally inadequate in everything I do. But I read in Jacob chapter 5 this week, about the tame and wild olive trees, and I loved verse 72:
"And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things."
This isn't my work, it's not President Hall's work. It's the Lord's work, and he's laboring with us in every effort that we put forward. As we follow God's commandments and put our trust in him, his presence can always be felt. And that's really comforting to me, because I know that God has the power to do all things, even if I don't.
Besides that, nothing too out of the ordinary happened this week. Things are going well in the area, I'm learning a lot, and I'm still shocked at how fast time flies.
Hope everyone had a great mother's day, and have a great week!
Elder Clayton
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