Monday, February 22, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 66

Wow, ok, I got some pretty insane news this week! I was talking to an elder in my district and he said a friend of his who's learning Armenian in the MTC got reassigned to this mission! Well, Elder Christensen talked to President Hall and asked about it, and it turns out we're going to recieve 5 new Armenian speaking missionaries next transfer! 5!! How crazy is that? We'll go from 4 to 9 just like that. There will be 2 elders and 3 sisters. There's never been an Armenian speaking sister in this mission. So I don't know what this will do for the future of the Armenian work. Maybe I will be training one of these new ones? Maybe I will stay out here in English work for longer than I thought? I wonder if all 9 of us will be put over in that general area at the same time? And I wonder how long they will be over here before Armenia opens back up and they send them there? I'm just not sure. But whatever happens, I'm excited to meet these new missionaries.

Also, we got to go do service in that thrift store I mentioned last week. It was really fun, we just sorted through some clothes and stuff, and next time we might start working in the warehouse sorting things. 

As always, have a great week!
Elder Clayton
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