Monday, February 22, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 66

Wow, ok, I got some pretty insane news this week! I was talking to an elder in my district and he said a friend of his who's learning Armenian in the MTC got reassigned to this mission! Well, Elder Christensen talked to President Hall and asked about it, and it turns out we're going to recieve 5 new Armenian speaking missionaries next transfer! 5!! How crazy is that? We'll go from 4 to 9 just like that. There will be 2 elders and 3 sisters. There's never been an Armenian speaking sister in this mission. So I don't know what this will do for the future of the Armenian work. Maybe I will be training one of these new ones? Maybe I will stay out here in English work for longer than I thought? I wonder if all 9 of us will be put over in that general area at the same time? And I wonder how long they will be over here before Armenia opens back up and they send them there? I'm just not sure. But whatever happens, I'm excited to meet these new missionaries.

Also, we got to go do service in that thrift store I mentioned last week. It was really fun, we just sorted through some clothes and stuff, and next time we might start working in the warehouse sorting things. 

As always, have a great week!
Elder Clayton
Երեց Քլեյթոն

Monday, February 15, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 65

2 weeks ago on Monday, as we were out shopping, this person stopped us and told us how grateful she is for what we do, and how she respects the church. We got talking to her and found out she is a member of the church, but has been inactive for several years. Anyway, we invited her to attend church in the Young Single Adult ward, and she came! Now she's meeting regularly with the elders that cover that ward, and I can already see such a difference in her from when we first found her! She's been through a lot of hard life experiences that kind of turned her away from the church, but as she's coming back to church and to God, she is already feeling a lot of healing. 
Seeing inactive members return to Jesus Christ after hard trials and bad choices is one of my favorite things as a missionary. The healing power of Jesus Christ is so real! Repentance is awesome.

Also, Elder Bastian and I love going to the many thrift stores that are around here, and it looks like we may have a chance to work in one! When we were about to buy some ties, one of the workers said we can take it free of charge, and told us about how missionaries used to always go there and do service for them. So we offered to do that, but they said because of covid they can't have us help there. So we went to a different thrift shop and offered to help, and they said we could! I'm looking forward to that.

Have a great week,
Elder Clayton
Երեց Քլեյթոն

Monday, February 8, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 64

This was the first week of the transfer and it's off to a good start! We sent Elder Miller off at the airport, which was kind of sad to see him go but it was a good sendoff. Then, because the new Zone Leader was still in quarantine recovering from covid, we were in a trio with the other ZL for a few days. But now we've got the new Elder, Elder Burbidge, who used to be in my district back in La Crescenta.

Also, this morning was super fun! A couple weeks ago we went up on Mt Baldy and played in the snow, but this time we actually hiked it to the top. It took a good 6 hours, and a lot of it was in the snow, so it was a challenge but really fun.

Other than that, nothing much is new. I'm excited for this transfer, I think it'll be a good one!

Have a great week
Elder Clayton
Երեց Քլեյթոն

Monday, February 1, 2021

 Chino, California: Week 63

We got transfer calls this week, and tomorrow's the start of the new transfer. I wasn't sure what to expect, but since Elder Bastian and I have already been together for 2 transfers I figured one of us would leave the area. But nope, we're still together! It's rare to be with someone for this long, but I'm happy about it. I like this ward and companion, so I'm happy. I do hope to return to Armenian work at some point though. President hasn't changed anything in the Armenian work, it's still just Elder Christensen over there.

Also, we had an awesome lesson with a man named Doug that we've been teaching. We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he said he wants to get baptized! He's been attending church every week and enjoys our visits and things we talk about. At the end of the lesson he talked about pets he used to own. He had giant lizards, a python, and some birds. At one point he had a $20k parrot! He was telling us how they can live for like 80 years and just follow him around and talk and stuff. I wish he still had these pets so I could see them! Anyway, yeah, Doug is awesome.

Have a good one
Elder Clayton
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