Monday, June 1, 2020

Glendale, California:  Week 28

Hello! I hope everyone's doing well.

It's been a fairly good week. Our ward is talking about the logistics of opening back up for church, so that's exciting! Can't wait to get back to a (somewhat) normal sacrament meeting.

All this stuff with the riots though, we've got a quarantine and a curfew now haha. I never would have imagined all this stuff would be happening during my mission. Crazy times

It's hard not seeing our ward members (or anyone) face to face very often, but it's not all bad. One blessing I've noticed is in regard to our weekly Book of Mormon class. We've had it for a few weeks, and it just keeps growing. We have about 13 attendees now, which is double what we had in our old pre-corona BoM class. Since people can just join over zoom, it's a lot easier than gathering physically, so we get a bigger group. 

Also, yesterday night, we got in contact with one of our previous investigators that we haven't talked to in like a month. We didn't have plans to contact him, but Elder Hubner got an email saying that there was someone waiting to join our zoom meeting (we weren't having any zoom meeting at the time). It was our investigator's name, so we asked him if he was trying to join a zoom meeting. He said no, so it must have been someone else with the same name. But he got to talking with us again, and said he prayed earlier that day for the first time in weeks, just hours before we texted him. I know it's not a coincidence we texted him last night! He told us that he once again wants to strengthen his connection with God, and keep meeting with us. :) One of the coolest things about being a missionary is seeing the Lord's hand in people's lives. People's attitudes and overall happiness improve so much as they follow the commandments and genuinely seek to come closer to God, it's amazing to see.

Stay safe, remember to pray always, and have a great week!
Elder Clayton
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