Wednesday, December 11, 2019

MTC:  Week 3

Hey Mom (and family)!

Thanks for sending the pictures, although I had some trouble getting them.  When I try to open them on my phone it doesn't work, and now on the computer it says they're not shared with me.  I requested access so I think if you accept that then I'll be able to get them.

Haha so about the picture that said 0 days with no accidents.  There was an elder who broke his toe running into a doorway, so someone put that sign up the next day.  It was pretty funny, pretty unfortunate for the elder though.

The MTC is really beautiful with all the Christmas decorations! I'm really happy to be here during this time, it's been fun.

Guess what? Yesterday Elder Schaumann played the piano along with a sister who sang, and we were all told to go back to this little room.  And only when we got there did we find out they'd be doing their performance at a little dinner, where the MTC presidency would meet with Elder Oaks (and his wife) and Elder Ballard.  So we got to meet both of them and shake their hands and everything as they walked in.  That was probably the coolest thing from this week.

We also had our first TRC on Thursday of last week (In other words, we'd only been here 2 weeks!).  I forget what TRC stands for, but it's where we meet for 20 minutes with a returned missionary who speaks Armenian (usually we'd meet with a regular member, but let's be real, there are no Armenian speaking members around here).  And we have to teach them a lesson in only Armenian.  That's rough after 2 weeks, but it worked out alright.  They were all really nice and one guy we met with had served in Arcadia.

Yep, I got to watch the Christmas devotional on Sunday, I really liked it.  And it's been pretty wet here too.  It's been raining instead of snowing, and I wish it would go back to snowing because it's warmer than rain honestly.

Let me know if there's a time within the next half hour or so (including right now) that you'd be able to video chat on google hangouts!  I've got a bit of free time to talk.

Love you all and talk to you next week,
Elder Clayton

* I did get to chat with him today!  The video/sound wasn't working well so I only saw him for a few minutes and then he called and we talked that way.  That was still fantastic!  He sounds so good!  He does have a little cold, but hopefully that won't turn into anything more.  I guess everyone in his district has been sick so he is the last to get it.  I offered to send him some Elderberry syrup, but he declined.  😂  Bryce and Annalise were super excited to see him for a few minutes as well.  

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